How to Write a Appeal Email for a Banned AdSense Account

Receiving a permanent ban from Google AdSense can be a frustrating experience, particularly if you rely on AdSense for your website’s monetization. However, there is still hope if you believe that the ban was issued in error or if you have rectified the issues that led to the ban. Crafting a well-structured appeal email is crucial in persuading AdSense to reconsider its decision.

This guide will walk you through the steps to write an effective appeal email, including the structure, tone, and content. We will also provide an example appeal email to demonstrate how to apply these principles in practice.

1. Understanding the Ban

Before you draft your appeal email, it is essential to understand the reason behind the permanent ban. Google AdSense typically issues bans for reasons such as:

  • Invalid Click Activity: This includes any attempts to artificially inflate clicks on ads.
  • Policy Violations: Breaches of AdSense policies such as prohibited content or invalid traffic.
  • Fraudulent Activities: Engaging in activities that manipulate or defraud the AdSense system.

Understanding the exact reason for your ban will help you address it directly in your appeal.

2. Structuring Your Appeal Email

A successful appeal email should be structured in a way that clearly communicates your situation and request. Here’s a suggested structure:

2.1. Subject Line

The subject line should be clear and straightforward. For example:

Appeal for Permanent AdSense Account Ban – [Your AdSense Account ID]

2.2. Greeting

Address the email to the AdSense support team using a formal greeting:

Dear AdSense Support Team,

2.3. Introduction

Start by briefly introducing yourself and your AdSense account. Mention the purpose of the email and your account details:

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to appeal the permanent suspension of my AdSense account (Account ID: [Your Account ID]). I would like to request a review of my account and provide some additional context regarding the issues that led to the suspension.

2.4. Acknowledgment of the Issue

Acknowledge the issue that led to the ban. Be honest and show understanding of the problem:

I understand that my account was suspended due to [specific reason for the ban, e.g., "invalid click activity"]. I take full responsibility for this issue and have taken steps to address and rectify the problem.

2.5. Explanation and Mitigation

Provide a detailed explanation of the steps you have taken to resolve the issue. This could include changes you made to your website, improvements in your traffic monitoring, or any other relevant actions:

Upon receiving the suspension notice, I conducted a thorough review of my website and traffic sources. I identified and addressed the issue by [specific actions taken, e.g., "implementing additional safeguards to prevent click fraud, improving traffic sources, and removing any potential sources of invalid traffic"]. Additionally, I have [mention any other steps taken, e.g., "sought advice from experts to ensure compliance with AdSense policies"].

2.6. Request for Review

Make a polite and clear request for a review of your account:

Given the steps I have taken to rectify the situation, I respectfully request that you reconsider the decision to permanently ban my AdSense account. I am committed to adhering to AdSense policies and ensuring that my account remains in compliance.

2.7. Closing

End with a polite closing statement and include your contact information:

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response and am hopeful for a positive resolution. Please feel free to contact me at [your email address] if you require any additional information.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]

3. Example Appeal Email

Here is a complete example based on the structure provided:

Subject: Appeal for Permanent AdSense Account Ban – 1234567890

Dear AdSense Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to appeal the permanent suspension of my AdSense account (Account ID: 1234567890). I would like to request a review of my account and provide some additional context regarding the issues that led to the suspension.

I understand that my account was suspended due to invalid click activity. I take full responsibility for this issue and have taken steps to address and rectify the problem.

Upon receiving the suspension notice, I conducted a thorough review of my website and traffic sources. I identified and addressed the issue by implementing additional safeguards to prevent click fraud, improving traffic sources, and removing any potential sources of invalid traffic. Additionally, I have sought advice from experts to ensure compliance with AdSense policies and to prevent any future issues.

Given the steps I have taken to rectify the situation, I respectfully request that you reconsider the decision to permanently ban my AdSense account. I am committed to adhering to AdSense policies and ensuring that my account remains in compliance.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response and am hopeful for a positive resolution. Please feel free to contact me at my email address if you require any additional information.

John Doe

4. Tips for a Successful Appeal

  • Be Concise and Clear: Your appeal should be clear and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details and focus on the key points.
  • Be Honest: Acknowledge any mistakes and demonstrate that you have taken steps to correct them.
  • Provide Evidence: If possible, include evidence of the changes you have made or the measures you have implemented.
  • Maintain a Professional Tone: Keep your tone polite and professional throughout the email.
  • Follow Up: If you do not receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, consider sending a polite follow-up email.


Crafting a successful appeal email for a permanently banned AdSense account involves understanding the reason for the ban, structuring your email effectively, and providing a clear explanation of the steps you have taken to address the issue. By following the guidelines and example provided, you can improve your chances of having your appeal reviewed favorably.

Remember, persistence and clarity are key when dealing with such situations. By demonstrating your commitment to compliance and providing a well-reasoned appeal, you increase your chances of a successful outcome.



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