Sites like for ad networks is a digital advertising network that connects advertisers with publishers to facilitate the buying and selling of ad space. However, there are numerous other platforms in the digital advertising space offering similar and varied services. This guide will explore several prominent alternatives to, detailing their types of ads, requirements, policies, and payment methods. By understanding these aspects, you can make an informed decision about which network best suits your needs.

1. Ad Networks Similar to

1.1. Google Ads

Full URL:

Types of Ads:

  • Search Ads: Text-based ads that appear on Google search results pages when users search for specific keywords.
  • Display Ads: Visual ads that appear on websites across the Google Display Network (GDN).
  • Video Ads: Ads that play before, during, or after YouTube videos.
  • Shopping Ads: Ads that showcase products and their prices, appearing on Google Shopping.
  • App Ads: Ads that promote mobile apps across Google Search, YouTube, and the Google Display Network.


  • Account Creation: Create a Google Ads account with billing information.
  • Campaign Setup: Define objectives, target audience, budget, and ad format.
  • Compliance: Adhere to Google’s advertising policies regarding content, targeting, and user experience.


  • Content Restrictions: No ads for illegal products, misleading information, or offensive content.
  • Quality: Ads must meet quality standards to avoid misleading or disrupting user experience.
  • Targeting: Ads must be accurately targeted based on user preferences and behavior.

Payment Methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards: Major credit and debit cards are accepted.
  • Bank Transfer: Available for larger accounts or regional variations.

1.2. Facebook Ads (Meta Ads)

Full URL:

Types of Ads:

  • Image Ads: Single image ads displayed in users’ news feeds or stories.
  • Video Ads: Ads that appear in the news feed or stories and can be skippable or non-skippable.
  • Carousel Ads: Ads with multiple images or videos that users can swipe through.
  • Collection Ads: Ads that showcase a collection of products within a single ad unit.
  • Slideshow Ads: Video-like ads made from a series of static images.


  • Account Setup: Create a Facebook Business Manager account with payment details.
  • Campaign Creation: Define objectives, audience, budget, and ad format.
  • Compliance: Follow Facebook’s advertising guidelines on content and targeting.


  • Content Restrictions: No ads for prohibited content such as hate speech, violence, or adult content.
  • User Experience: Ads must provide a positive user experience and should not be misleading.
  • Targeting: Ads must respect user privacy and be accurately targeted.

Payment Methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards: Accepted worldwide.
  • PayPal: Available in certain regions.
  • Direct Debit: Available in some countries.

1.3. Taboola

Full URL:

Types of Ads:

  • Native Ads: Ads that blend with the content of publisher websites, often appearing as recommended articles or videos.
  • In-Feed Ads: Ads that appear within the content feed of a publisher’s site.
  • Content Recommendations: Ads that suggest related articles or content to users.


  • Publisher Application: Publishers must apply and be approved based on site quality and traffic.
  • Advertiser Setup: Advertisers create campaigns by defining objectives, targeting, and budgets.
  • Compliance: Follow Taboola’s guidelines for content and user experience.


  • Content Guidelines: No misleading or deceptive content; must align with publisher site standards.
  • User Experience: Ads should be relevant and enhance user experience without being intrusive.
  • Targeting: Ads must be appropriately targeted based on user behavior and demographics.

Payment Methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards: Commonly accepted.
  • Bank Transfers: For larger transactions or regional specifics.
  • PayPal: Available in some regions.

1.4. Outbrain

Full URL:

Types of Ads:

  • Native Ads: Ads that appear as part of the content feed on publisher sites, often labeled as “Recommended for you.”
  • In-Feed Ads: Ads integrated into the news feed or content stream of websites.
  • Content Discovery: Ads that promote content recommendations to engage users.


  • Publisher Approval: Sites must be approved based on traffic and content quality.
  • Advertiser Setup: Advertisers need to set up campaigns with targeting, budgeting, and ad formats.
  • Compliance: Ad content must meet Outbrain’s guidelines for accuracy and relevance.


  • Content Restrictions: No ads for prohibited or misleading content.
  • User Experience: Ads must not disrupt or negatively impact user experience.
  • Targeting: Must be relevant and targeted based on user data and behavior.

Payment Methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards: Accepted globally.
  • Bank Transfers: Available for larger transactions.
  • PayPal: Sometimes available depending on the region.


Full URL:

Types of Ads:

  • Contextual Display Ads: Ads that match the content of the website, appearing in banner formats.
  • Native Ads: Integrated ads that blend with the content of publisher sites.
  • Video Ads: Ads in video format that can be displayed on publisher sites.


  • Publisher Application: Publishers must apply and meet quality standards for approval.
  • Advertiser Setup: Advertisers create and manage campaigns by defining their goals and targeting.
  • Compliance: Ad content must adhere to’s guidelines and policies.


  • Content Standards: Ads must be accurate and non-deceptive; no illegal content is allowed.
  • User Experience: Ads should be placed in a way that enhances the user experience.
  • Targeting: Ads must be relevant and properly targeted to the audience.

Payment Methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards: Widely accepted.
  • Bank Transfers: Available for certain transactions.
  • PayPal: Accepted in various regions.

1.6. Infolinks

Full URL:

Types of Ads:

  • In-Text Ads: Ads that appear as hyperlinks within text on publisher sites.
  • In-Frame Ads: Ads displayed within a frame on the publisher’s website.
  • In-Search Ads: Ads that appear alongside search results on publisher sites.
  • In-Article Ads: Ads displayed within articles or content on a publisher’s site.


  • Publisher Sign-Up: Publishers need to sign up and integrate Infolinks’ ad units.
  • Advertiser Setup: Advertisers set up campaigns by defining objectives and targeting criteria.
  • Compliance: Follow Infolinks’ guidelines for content and ad placement.


  • Content Guidelines: Ads must be non-deceptive and comply with content standards.
  • User Experience: Ads should not disrupt the user experience or be overly intrusive.
  • Targeting: Ads must be relevant to the content and audience.

Payment Methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards: Commonly accepted.
  • Bank Transfers: Available for certain transactions.
  • PayPal: Sometimes available depending on the region.

1.7. AdRoll

Full URL:

Types of Ads:

  • Display Ads: Banner and sidebar ads that appear across the web.
  • Social Ads: Ads displayed on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
  • Email Ads: Ads that are included in email marketing campaigns.
  • Retargeting Ads: Ads targeted at users who have previously interacted with a brand or website.


  • Account Creation: Set up an account with billing information and campaign objectives.
  • Campaign Setup: Define your campaign goals, audience, and budget.
  • Compliance: Adhere to AdRoll’s advertising policies and guidelines.


  • Content Restrictions: No misleading or deceptive ads; must comply with legal standards.
  • User Experience: Ads must enhance the user experience and not be disruptive.
  • Targeting: Must use accurate and relevant targeting criteria.

Payment Methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards: Accepted.
  • Bank Transfers: Available for larger transactions.
  • PayPal: Accepted in some regions.

1.8. PropellerAds

Full URL: [https://prop](

Types of Ads:

  • Display Ads: Standard banner ads and interstitials.
  • Native Ads: Ads that blend with the content of publisher sites.
  • Push Notifications: Ads delivered as push notifications to users’ devices.
  • Pop-Under Ads: Ads that open in a new browser window behind the main content.


  • Publisher Application: Apply and be approved based on site quality and traffic.
  • Advertiser Setup: Create and manage campaigns with targeting and budgeting.
  • Compliance: Follow PropellerAds’ guidelines for content and ad placement.


  • Content Guidelines: Ads must not promote illegal or prohibited content.
  • User Experience: Ads should not negatively impact user experience or be intrusive.
  • Targeting: Ads must be accurately targeted based on user data and preferences.

Payment Methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards: Accepted.
  • Bank Transfers: Available for larger transactions.
  • PayPal: Sometimes available depending on the region.


Choosing the right advertising network is crucial for optimizing your digital marketing strategy. Networks like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Taboola, Outbrain,, Infolinks, AdRoll, and PropellerAds offer a range of ad formats and solutions to meet diverse advertising needs. By understanding their types of ads, requirements, policies, and payment methods, you can effectively leverage these platforms to achieve your advertising goals.

Whether you’re looking to run search ads, display ads, native ads, or video ads, these networks provide various options to help you reach your target audience and maximize your advertising ROI. Make sure to review each platform’s specific requirements and policies to ensure compliance and optimal performance.



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